Wednesday, July 18, 2012


There are so many things I don't know it makes my head spin, but most of the time not knowing doesn't bother me. I can be comfortable with my head in the clouds, bopping along rapturously to the rhythm of my own baseline. It's knowing that I will never know that does me in. It's so final.

When I ran this morning, I noticed that all systems felt harmonious. Muscles, energy, speed - all the important players were heeding the maestro and making nice for the first time this summer. I felt fast and light. Maybe the long weekend runs have been paying off, or the Zuzana workouts. Or the cinnamon gelatto from last night.

Who knows.

Certainly wasn't because of all the sleep. Just 6 hours last night.


I've been thinking that a vacation would feel really lovely. And it just came to me now that I could use some time in the company of the really freaky (but harmless). I would like to hang out in the hot stillness of the desert and eat dragon fruit and candy canes, and trace poems in guacamole on people's legs, and fall asleep in a tent full of long-haired purring housecats. I am desperate to escape the stupidly ordinary! I require a mask and costume! I feel a tattoo urge coming on! That is all.

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