Thursday, October 21, 2010

Pumpkin curry

Last night's sprints: 4-6 x 1000m / 3 min rest. Not bad despite the gusts of wind that caught my breath at the top of the hill. I finished 4 reps and would have gone for a 5th but while standing around and considering that 5th, the cold wind stole my best ambitions and I headed for home. The 1000m route finished with a downhill slope which was kind to my quads. They were aching but stronger after spin class the night before. Maybe there is a sweet spot between recooperation and fatigue.

Considering the earthy deliciousness of pumpkin curry, I've wondered why it isn't available in more restaurants. Pumpkins are cheap and last forever. Now I know the reason: pumpkins are as tough as coconuts! Prepare yourself. 45 minutes' worth of cutting and peeling and yelling creative blue expressions, and then - and only then - are you ready to rock.

Throw some diced pumpkin together with crushed tomatoes, red peppers, bananas, ginger and hot peppers, et voila. Proof that the pumpkin is capable of providing more than pie filling and maniacal Halloween lanterns. And the curry pairs much better with basmati.

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