Wednesday, September 26, 2012


No running today! I am still waiting to get my land legs back. Monday and Tuesday were rough on my quads, but when I rose this morning they felt stronger. Lowering to a seated position or descending flights of stairs are still painful activities though, and I look funny doing them. A few more days of this prirate-leg nonsense and then I will be ready for a non-running activity like yoga or a bike ride. I might delay a return to running for another week, and skip the long run altogether this Sunday.

I might even designate October as a month of light running, with no distance over 10k, and some cross training. I can't wait to attempt a Zuze Lite workout. Maybe on the weekend.

I've been thinking about my diet lately. I've been gorging on snack food and takeout meals every day, sometimes for every meal of a day - yuck! My clothes aren't fitting properly and I feel unhealthy. I think that a lot of this is happening because I've been suspending my personal time in order to be with others or to complete projects. I can't wait to get the upcoming social events and deadlines over with, and relax.

Exercise gives me space to be alone and focus on myself. So necessary.

Many factors need to align in order for me to be cooking my own healthy, fresh meals. I need to be at home fairly regularly (haven't been). I need to dream about a delicious dish (nope) and find the time to cook it (ditto). And exercising helps to set me on the path to wanting to cook because my body craves nutrition and downtime, so cooking and exercise really do go together.

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