Wednesday, March 21, 2012

On the edge of transition

We had ourselves an enjoyable class. Wild tunes blasting through the studio, and waves of air streaming through the open door. A pleasant number of participants - loads more than I bargained for on this warm evening balancing on the ledge of the window of spring.

Many a red face to be witnessed after just a few minutes of spin, too: it was hot in there. I took longer than usual to catch my breath after the sprints. It takes the return of warm weather to remind me every year that winter workouts are just not as tough (unless you are running in arctic temperatures and risking frostbite). 

Is this because winter lasts longer here, and we are used to preparing for cooler temps while hot weather whips us good; we have fewer resources and anecdotal tales and mottoes to live by, and become trapped by our preconceived notions of heat and what we can do to live with it? 

I welcome the arrival of spring yet there are winter things to miss. I will miss following a snowy path after spin class, giddy with warrior adrenaline, the mirage of post-workout shower and beer luring me back to camp.

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