Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Spin me right round

To a friend, I recently compared the experience of watching the film "Burn After Reading" to a spin class: the ride is enjoyable but doesn't take you anywhere. The friend, a spin aficionado, accepted my (clumsy) analogy despite his distaste for the movie. He might have even chuckled. He's a good conversationalist.

If I mentioned that the teacher of tonight's spin class focused on strength, you might wonder where strength training and spinning intersect. I believe that if they could speak, my tired and sore quadriceps would probably pipe up and answer your question for me; it would be an uncomfortable venting session, and nothing good would come of it, so their lack of agency and cognizance is a relief right now. Let's just say that they worked very, very hard in class.

Tonight, during our 60-minute workout, the minimum amount of effort level we were permitted to experience was 65%, which is quite high. Our amazing teacher verbally set the scene: several long and winding hills ahead of us and an ambitious pack of cyclists behind, breathing down our necks and itching to overtake us should our speed and determination wane. There were several standing sessions with the resistance handle turned to its maximum, and a long session of flatland cycling, and lots of 90-second quick-paced pedaling from 65-85%. My fluffy towel and thin running tank were soaked as a result of the hard effort put in by my dear quads, so after a protein-rich dinner I treated them, and my tastebuds, to some double-chocolate & banana mini-muffins:

1 comment:

cs said...

I don't know what's nicer, the muffins or the spate of recent blog entries. Grooovy!