Sunday, August 23, 2009

Chinese buffet

One day, I decided to bike across Ontario so I packed a sleeping bag and pumped my bike tires and set off for an adventure. After a week of protein bars, chocolate milk and cheese omelettes so hot from the grill that the frying oil sizzled on the plate, I stumbled upon a Chinese buffet restaurant roughly the size of Best Buy and released my voracious and un-quenched hunger. Steamed asparagus! Salmon! Sushi! Spring rolls!

This is plate 1 of 3, minus the bowl of hot & sour soup and the dessert plate of chocolate cake, cookies and melon slices.

I'd naively hoped that the message curled inside the fortune cookie would address my journey or my appetite but it didn't.


cs said...

"So, yeah, I woke up and was feeling kind of bored so I tossed a few things in a bag and kept pedalling until my quads started to kind of hurt 4000000km later..."

Fortune cookies aren't as prescient as the word verification here, which is currently "bratic".

LOL, I'm just envious and amazed that you made it look so easy!! :)

cs said...

ok, so I've been really good about not prodding your defenseless blog.
But August? That's like a half year ago.
That Chinese food has since revolved through the food chain a couple of times. Just saying! ;)